All parents look out for their childrens health, it is always a main prioritey for any parent, however with the struggles of parenting sometimes we can miss out on certain aspects which could put our little ones at risk, to help narrow down your list of worries, here is a page dedicated to childrens oral health.
The issue
As of cureent issues, the care of children’s oral health specifically doesn’t seem like an important matter; many kids worldwide don’t receive proper education on how they need to care for their personal oral hygiene. This causes many diseases they are unaware of and slowly affects their bodies as a whole
Specific diseases that target or affect children more than adults.
Cavities : though we have talked about cavities in more detail in the main diseases page, however, just to touch on the subject, cavities affect children way more than adults; in fact, cavities target primary teeth; therefore, therefor it is essential to look out for them when caring for a child
Learned habits: Though not a disease, however, at this age children tend to learn habits such as sucking on their thumb. Habits like these tend to interfere with the development process of the teeth, resulting in crooked and underdeveloped teeth.
A parents role
All parents need to thrive to teach children from a young age how to basically care for their teeth. This starts with teaching your child how to brush their teeth and floss them, additionally teaching them what symptoms to look out for, and educating them on eating habits so that their teeth remain strong and healthy.
A word from the dentist..
“I cannot highlight enough how many children come to me with unbrushed and unkept teeth due to their unhealthy nutrition that consists of a variety of processed food. Prevention is key. If children are at a young age, please make sure to fill up their diet with healthy nutritional foods that can help their teeth grow. Another thing I recommend is adding fluoride to their teeth. Though not a new concept, I feel as if many parents have not discovered it. Fluoride helps seal the barriers behind teeth so that cavities cannot come in.”
Look out for
- sudden irratation in gums
- black spots that aren't removable
- cracking or dissolving fragments of the teeth
- mucus filled bumps found in the gum
- sudden pain
- blood, specifically if from the gums
- any other regular symptoms like fevers, coughs, sore throat.